Sunday, July 03, 2005

Well, don't expect anything fancy, at least not yet, anyway. Because I don't have the time. If I did have the time, I would be designing my own blog page with my own software on my own ISP space.

But I don't have the time, so you'll have to live with this pre-fabricated, though nice, blog setup. I'm just glad I have somewhere to put down my thoughts. Not that anyone will read it. But you never know. Maybe someday, eh?

So, where to begin...Do I tell you about myself, or what? That would be too complicated. So I'll just begin by telling you what it's like here at my house today.

After church I had a good talk with Boom (I never thought about using nicknames until I saw a friend's blog, so from now on I will refer to my hubby as Boom) and spilled my guts, which made me feel 10 times better and able to face the day.

Yesterday I took the kiddos on a walk and ran into our neighbor who had picked over $40 worth of cherries, so she gave us 6 cups sour and 6 cups sweet to take home once she asked if I baked. I gave her our electric air pump to borrow to inflate their swimming pool. I thought about asking her if her hubby (a lawyer) had found anything out about the taxes we shouldn't owe on our house from 2003, but I figured he'd have called us if he did and it would be rude to ruin our visit by asking.

So today I baked a cherry pie with the sour cherries (homemade crust with lattice, only because I didn't have any frozen crusts from Aldi), and a crisp with the sweet cherries (which was made with almond extract, which I LOVE the smell and taste of! When I realized that Jergen's lotion was almond scented, I went nuts! I still haven't used it because I don't ever use things that I consider to be the best thing out there..I always save it so that I always have it. Weird, I know, and it kind of defeats the purpose, but that's a part of me since childhood.)

I told the other neighbors (the real next door nieghbor) that I would make them a pie, but that was before I realized I didn't have enough to make two pies because I guess you don't make pies with sweet cherries. I would have tried it, but I didn't want to waste all that time. So I will wait until both cool completely and take half of each to them. I sure hope they like cherry stuff because I LOVE cherry stuff, and if it weren't for the fact that I joked about bringing them some, I'd gladly eat it all myself.

Anyway, I must go put a diaper on Rugger (his daddy's nickname for him) since I just took off a poopy diaper and let him go free. (as a side note, so you know more about me, I use homemade wipes with soap, water and mineral oil and half a Bounty Big Roll. Used them for two years now and I love them.)

But I'm glad I have a place to put my words now, and just the thought that somebody, somewhere, might actually read this, is enough to make me happy. I'll try to figure out how this blog works and stuff, but for now, this is Day 1.

Oh, and my other little one is Pumpkin for this site. She's 2 and 1/2 years old, Rugger is 10 months, I'm 27 and Boom is 27. Oh, and I'm calling myself Prism, which is a "handle" I've used since high school.

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