Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fever Fever

No, that wasn't a typo. It's what I have at my house right now. Two very small children with two very annoying fevers. And it won't go away real soon....

When the tylenol and IBprofin didn't keep the fever away for long, I wondered. When Rugger only wanted held and didn't want to play, I wondered. When they moaned in their sleep, I wondered. But when Rugger wouldn't nurse or drink any water, then I worried.

I took a flashlight and saw a couple white spots on his throat, but it didn't look like strep. Nonetheless, I had to wait until 2:30 to take them to the doctor.

Turns out they have a strain of the cocsackie virus. Namely Herpangina, thought not the foot or hand part. Just the open sores on the back of the throat, making it very, very painful. And they are contagious for the whole week, I guess, with the fever possible lasting as long, and the sores definately so....

Which means I'm going to be one stretched and tired mom this week since Boom is gone at his first week at school.

And what a birthday present for Rugger! My sister and BIL's girlfriend can't come because they are pregnant, and there IS one strain which an hurt babies in utero. And of course I don't want the little boy to catch it, either (the girlfriend's son.) So there goes the party. My parents will still be here, but it just won't be the same. He won't even get to eat his own birthday cake with the joy that one expects... :( And he's my eater, too!

Oh, well. It could be worse. But this means I can't take them anywhere for a week, either. Bummer.

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