Our Christmas was pretty good. In fact, Pumpkin claimed it was the "best Christmas EVER!!" which is pretty telling, in her 6 years of red and green...
We stayed home vs. traveling to my parents, as we had traveled for Thanksgiving. When the babies are older, we'll try to make it out for both holidays, again, but for now it was nice staying here and just relaxing.
We got Rugger a 10$ "rock" guitar with strings to strum, since his bango guitar had broke. He loves it, and I'm glad we didn't get the $30 real guitar which he wouldn't have been able to play, yet, anyway.
The best thing we got Pumpkin was two little play sets - one a pony with an oven and baked goods, and the other three little zoo animals with a house. She said it was just what she wanted. :)
We even had a New Year's Eve party at my in-laws and Pumpkin stayed up to watch the ball drop, which didn't impress her, of course. But we all enjoyed playing pool and eating junk food.
We had a surprise of sorts, which also was a little sad. Friends of ours lost their beautiful newborn daughter less than two weeks after she was born, due to a cord accident in the womb. The father's family purchases season tickets to the Buffalo Bills home games, and since they were all still grieving, they offered the tickets to us and we brought another coaching couple with us to the game.
It was fitting of Buffalo - cold and very windy. Boom had only ever been to two other Bills games at the stadium, both in crappy weather against New England, and both losses. This was no exception :)
BUT, the tickets were BOX SEATS!!! Soooo, we were indoors, warm and cozy, and one of the highlights for me was watching a fan run onto the field only to be taken off by 5 security guards who escorted him to the waiting judge below the stadium. I never knew there was a judge during NFL games...you learn something everyday.
It's amazing to watch the kids grow. Birdie has liked baby dolls and stuffed animals for awhile, now, but she's also getting into playsets with little people and animals, driving them in their cars or sitting in their chairs. She reminds me so much of her older sister, who used to set up little scenes in the most unusual places all over the house. I'd be walking by the TV or sink only to find a dinosaur staring up at me, his latest kill still stuck in his jaws....
Booger on the other hand is fixated on buttons to push and things to open and close, not a good combination for all things electronic and expensive around here...
Birdie also loves reading. The only downside is that Birdie is the more agressive of the twins (something she proved during her birth) and will push Booger away every time she wants something or doesn't want him to touch what she has. Booger, unfortunately, just runs off and cries for help.
Overall, this is a fun stage, though the house is always a mess. I pick things up only to see them scattered again tenfold...and that's the way it will be for awhile.
But hopefully by this year's end, I will have gotten back into my clay, possibly won some money from Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty, tried a used treadmill, and had lots and lots of fun playing and learning with my kids :)
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