Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tad Bit Jealous

Okay, so my feelings aren't all that stellar lately!

But, I was watching That's Clever on HGTV today and saw a man who (with his son) makes these flea characters out of metal. He welds them and such. It was so neat! So I checked out his website, and I SO want, like, half of his stuff! You can catch them here.

I want the trombone player for my dad (mustache and all), the football scene for Boom, the pottery guy for myself some day (if I ever do get it going and get a wheel,) and I can think of one for just about everybody I know, almost!

And I just wish that I could do something this cool and enjoy it and have others enjoy it and make some money, too.

But as it is, I can't even seem to figure out my clay. I don't know if it's too wet, dry, or what. I get very frustrated sometimes because I keep feeling like I should be good at SOMEthing, and yet I never feel like I "find" it. Boom has football, my MIL does gardening, my Mom is good at housekeeping and cooking, my sister is becoming a writer, and I...I just keep trying.


But at least I won't give up. Not yet. I still have faith that I can make the clay work. I just have to figure it out. I will search for a workshop or something, but I'll get there.

If there's a "flea" on that website that describes you, let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

Gem said...

Hi Prism! I was looking through older posts and found your comment. Thanks for the input -- I take all the advice I can get!!! Un schooling seems a little too, well, unorganized for me. I think I said in another post that if we unschooled, we'd all end up in front of the TV eating pop-tarts. I'm just so naturally scattered that I need a little structure to keep me from melting into lethargy. But our day does look a lot more unstructured than most school-at-home-ers. And you know, most of our struggles are not about schoolwork, just sassy and disrespectful attitude in general.